Cecilie Hjorth © 2021

Andreas Kalcker LIVE Q&A!

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Hi guys and welcome back to the blog!

After request, I want to announce that we will be doing a LIVE Q&A with Andreas Kalcker, on my YouTube channel, in January 2021. The date and time is yet to be confirmed, but it will be announced both here and on my YouTube channel, so stay tuned! Subscribe to my Newsletter and YouTube if you haven't already as everything will be announced there.

Also do share this with friends and family as it will be a unique opportunity for you and your family to ask Andreas any questions directly. The questions can be asked in either Spanish or English and we will dedicate 1 full hour to questions and answers. As well, Andreas will give us an update on how everything is going on a worldwide scale. As we all know, we have experienced unacceptable levels of censorship on social media, but if we act with caution, the right information can reach the right people. Please be kind and mindful when you ask your questions to Andreas, as he is human working very hard for everyone to have access to optimal health.

The intention with this Q&A is for you to clarify any doubts you may have about CDS: how to take it, how it works, where to buy it etc. but more importantly that we all get an update on how everything is going. 

Please share with friends and family! And remember that if you want to get a copy of his book, you can get it here

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Do we have the cure for COVID-19 already?

Hello Everyone! And welcome back to the #coronasurvivalkit series.

I had the immense pleasure of interviewing a true apostle of modern day medicine, Andreas Kalcker, about the pandemic we are experiencing, and about the solutions. He happens to have studied a substance known as CDS, or Chlorine Dioxide, for the last 13 years and the studies have shown one thing clearly: CDS is effective against almost all viruses, with 100% effeciency. They are currently doing clinical trials for the COVID-19 strain, and preeliminary results show the same.

I want to share my personal experience, I had very clear symptoms of the COVID-19, starting on the exact day that the lockdown was put in place in Spain. I had been travelling and meeting lots of different people from all over the world before that, so it makes sense if I may have contracted the virus from somewhere. I got an immense headeache, fever and just not feeling well. I went on the CDS protocol and within 48 hours, I was back to my real self again. I cannot fully prove if I had COVID-19, but it does not matter because the tests are starting to show that it works. If you want to know exactly how it works against virusses, please watch my video below

How come not more people know about this then? Shortly answered, it comes down to interests and lobbyism. CDS is a threat to the pharmaceutical industry for three reasons: it cannot be patented, it is extremely cheap to make, and it would out-perform at least 400 different medicines on the market. Plus it has no side-effects. It has never killed anyone, in the history that it has been tested, compared to millions of people killed by pharmaceutics. And by now, people's experiences are coming out into the light, the science is starting to back it up strongly and it can no longer be hidden.

That's why I am offering a free guide on my website about CDS. Please subscribe to my newsletter to receive your copy. 

CDS Guide

Also visit AndreasKalcker.com for more information about his work. Watch the interview above to hear about his expertise! 


Hi guys, and welcome back to my blog

Today I reach out to you with a very special and urgent message.

A week ago, I had a guy write me on Instagram, telling me that his mom was dying from COVID19 and a bacteria and asked if I could in any way help him get in contact with Andreas Kalcker to advise the doctors. At first, I thought it was a scam, but after talking with him for a while, it was clear that this guy was very honest and in a very dire situation. Luckily he was dealing with a very nice doctor who was open for him to research alternative treatments to help his mom. In this search, he located the interview I did with Andreas on my channel, researched CDS and was convinced that this can help save his mom.

He contacted me to get Andreas' contact, in order to have him talk with the doctors and help give them a procedure of how they could treat her. Andreas agreed, but before he even had a chance, the doctors decided that they would not support the treatment, since it is not yet FDA approved. This was devastating news for him and his family, since the doctors already admitted there was nothing more they could do. He and his family had decided they wanted to give his mom, Alejandrina, the CDS treatment. Can the doctors really deny a dying woman this treatment?

Please listen to his story here

As you can see from the video, any terminally ill patient has the right to try methods that are not FDA approved in cases where doctors have no other means to help them. These doctors have denied her this opportunity, and since she is in a ventilator, they depend on the doctors agreeing to give her this treatment. We can only imagine how it must feel to be in a situation like his, feeling hope that there is a tool out there that can help his mom, yet not being allowed to implement this tool.

We share this video in the hope that the story can go viral and put pressure on the doctors. We also hope that this story can help prevent other families from going through the same thing, by being aware of the right to try act. See more here http://righttotry.org 

Please sign this petition to help Steven and his mom Alejandrina: https://www.petitions.net/help_alejandrina

To learn more about Andreas' work and CDS, get his book Forbidden Health here.


Where to buy CDS

Hi guys! And welcome back to the blog :)

As you all know, I recently did an interview with Andreas Kalcker, which has gotten a lot of positive feedback. Along with the feedback also came a lot of questions, the most frequently asked one being, where do I buy these compounds?

In the above video, I address this question. Basically you can find providers worldwide for Sodium Chlorite on wps.land. You can also find a providers list below.

Some people are also not aware of how to prepare MMS. I do not recommend that you take MMS, but I have put together this video for those interested, based on what the experst recommend.



As a final note, I want to share some really exciting news! I have teamed up with the publisher of Andreas Kalcker's book Forbidden Health, and I am now selling his books on my website! We ship to Europe and America, and we have books in English, Spanish and Romanian. Click here to buy one of his books.

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