Easy Raw Vegan Granola Recipe!
Hi guys and welcome back to the blog!
Today we keep going along the raw vegan ride! I just posted a super exciting interview on my YouTube channel, with raw food guru Lissa Raimondi, otherwise known as Lissa's Raw Food Romance. In the name of that I want to share this super easy, delicious and everyday raw vegan recipe. My easy raw vegan granola!
Most people think granola is a health food, but if you read the ingredient list of most granola's in your supermarket, you will find they are packed with refined sugar, oils and even chemicals. Even so called organic granola can be packed with cane sugar and oil, which are absolutely not foods that support health. This granola is free from all of that, and it is gluten free as well. You do need a dehydrator to make this granola, but you can also make it in the oven on the lowest setting, baking with the oven door slightly open. If you do want a dehydrator, this is the dehydrator I use: https://amzn.to/2Ur0uCr and here is a cheaper option: https://amzn.to/37n7YM6. I highly recommend getting one, mine is in use on a weekly basis and I will be having more recipes coming! For just 70 USD you can get a pretty decent dehydrator!
- 2 cups soaked buckwheat groats
- 1 scoop raw vegan protein powder
- 1/2 cup soaked, chopped dates (I used this kind)
- 1/2 cup soaked, mixed nuts
- 1/2 cup soaked raisins
- 1/2 cup raw pumpkin seeds
- 1/2 cup agave syrup
- 1 Tbsp cinnamon
- Pinch sea salt
- Measure the buckwheat and soak overnight.
- A few hours before making the granola, soak chopped dates, nuts and raisins.
- Add all ingredients for the granola in a bowl, finishing up with adding the protein powder, cinnamon, salt and agave syrup. Mix well
Spread the granola evenly on a dehydrator sheet. You want it to stick together, but make the layer thin enough for it to dehydrate well. If making it in the oven, keep the oven on the absolute lowest setting and bake overnight with the oven door slightly open for the air to flow well
- After 12 hours, check if the granola is crunchy. It should stick together in big, dry chuncks. If needed, dehydrate for longer time
- Once done, serve and enjoy! I love mine on top of a smoothie bowl. Add remainder to an air tight container and place in the fridge!
I hope you like it! If you make it, take a photo and tag @celiahjorth on Instagram and I will re-share it on my stories!
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Check out my Raw Vegan Recipe book, Raw Abundance, with over 30 delicious, healthy meals that are completely model diet approved! USE THE DISCOUNT CODE 2020 and get 20% off!