Brad Yates Interview - How to do EFT Tapping
Hi guys! And welcome back to the blog!
Today I have a very special guest. I would like to introduce what feels like, an old friend, Brad Yates. Brad Yates is a YouTuber, famous for spreading awareness on EFT tapping, otherwise known as Emotional Freedom Technique.
Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT - is a technique where you tap gently along the meridian points of the body, to help clear out any stuck or stagnent energies. It is not yet known exactly how it works, but many people know it does work, and in a similar way as acupuncture. I have used this method for years myself and can attest to the fact that it works for me.
If you are open to the idea of clearing your emotional state through tapping, have a look at the interview below!
If you want to know more about Brad and EFT, please have a look at all of the resources below! I want to disclose that I am an affiliate, but the price is the exact same as if you buy the product without the affiliate link. If you wish to support my work, I really appreciate it!
The Wizard's Wish:
Tapping cartoon for kids:
Freedom at your fingertips:
The Tapping Solution Documentary:
Tapping for Confidence:
Tapping for Money:
Tapping for Self Love:
Tapping for Physical Appearance:
Tapping for Success:
Tapping for Business:
brad yates, tapping, eft, eft tapping, emotional freedom technique, self help, self love, happiness, well being