• celia
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Hi guys, and welcome back to my blog

Today I reach out to you with a very special and urgent message.

A week ago, I had a guy write me on Instagram, telling me that his mom was dying from COVID19 and a bacteria and asked if I could in any way help him get in contact with Andreas Kalcker to advise the doctors. At first, I thought it was a scam, but after talking with him for a while, it was clear that this guy was very honest and in a very dire situation. Luckily he was dealing with a very nice doctor who was open for him to research alternative treatments to help his mom. In this search, he located the interview I did with Andreas on my channel, researched CDS and was convinced that this can help save his mom.

He contacted me to get Andreas' contact, in order to have him talk with the doctors and help give them a procedure of how they could treat her. Andreas agreed, but before he even had a chance, the doctors decided that they would not support the treatment, since it is not yet FDA approved. This was devastating news for him and his family, since the doctors already admitted there was nothing more they could do. He and his family had decided they wanted to give his mom, Alejandrina, the CDS treatment. Can the doctors really deny a dying woman this treatment?

Please listen to his story here

As you can see from the video, any terminally ill patient has the right to try methods that are not FDA approved in cases where doctors have no other means to help them. These doctors have denied her this opportunity, and since she is in a ventilator, they depend on the doctors agreeing to give her this treatment. We can only imagine how it must feel to be in a situation like his, feeling hope that there is a tool out there that can help his mom, yet not being allowed to implement this tool.

We share this video in the hope that the story can go viral and put pressure on the doctors. We also hope that this story can help prevent other families from going through the same thing, by being aware of the right to try act. See more here 

Please sign this petition to help Steven and his mom Alejandrina:

To learn more about Andreas' work and CDS, get his book Forbidden Health here.


cds, andreas kalcker, chlorine dide, alejandrina, help alejandrina

  • celia
  • Blog

Raw Vegan Brownies - What Models Eat

Hi guys and welcome back to the blog!

Today I want to share one of my most decadent, yet healthiest dessert recipes to date. The classic brownie! Except this time it is raw vegan and made from only 3 key ingredients. It tastes just like a dessert but it is the kind of food that you can eat as a snack on a daily basis and still stay healthy and fit. This is what models eat!

There are a lot of raw vegan brownie recipes out there, but I wanted to make one that is simple, based on whole food ingredients and low in fat. And I think I found the perfect combo! Try it out and let me know if you agree!

Raw Vegan Brownies
Author: Cecilie Hjorth
PREP TIME: 15 minutes
TOTAL TIME: 15 minutes
Servings: 16 pieces of brownie
Category: Dessert / Snack
Cuisine: Gluten-Free, Vegan, Low-Fat, Sugar-Free, Oil-Free, Raw Vegan
Does it keep? 2 weeks in the fridge or 2-3 months in the freezer


Avocado Glazing


  1. Pit and soak the dates in water for 2 hours.

  2. Add all ingredients for the brownie in a high speed blender or food processor and blend until well mixed and it reaches a cake dough consistency.

  3. Place the dough in a cake pan and press down to spread it evenly. Add to the freezer for 30 minutes.

  4. Add all the glazing ingredients to a bowl. Mash together with a fork until the glazing has a smooth and creamy consistency.

  5. Take the cake out of the freezer and top with the glazing. Spread evenly.

  6. Ready to serve! It can keep in the fridge for up to 2 weeks, and in the freezer for a few months. If you can keep your hands off of it for that long ;)

I hope you like it! If you make it, take a photo and tag @celiahjorth on Instagram and I will re-share it on my stories!

Want more?
RawAbundance FinalCover 3d 

Check out my Raw Vegan Recipe book, Raw Abundance,  with over 30 delicious, healthy meals that are completely model diet approved! USE THE DISCOUNT CODE 2020 and get 20% off!
Subscribe to my newsletter to get a free guide on CDS.


recipe, vegan recipe, gluten free, raw vegan, raw vegan recipe, brownie, raw vegan brownie, raw abundance, raw vegan brownies

  • celia
  • Blog

Cocoro Intim NEW Campaign


Hi guys! And welcome back to the blog!

I am so happy to finally present this campaign to you! Back in December I was so fortunate to be working with the innovative brand Cocoro Intim. It's a brand new lingerie company that sells a product based on the latest fabric technology, which it is completely absorbent. They call it "period lingerie" because it is to use as a replacement for tampons, cups and pads during your cycle.  In fact, I had to use it for an emergency when I was travelling to Paris Fashion week and had forgotten my ladycup. For three days and 3 nights, I wore this lingerie while I had my period and it worked perfectly, no leaking what so ever! Before that I was skeptical, but that was all the proof I needed.

More news will come on my work with the brand plus a special giveaway, so stay tuned. Subscribe to my newsletter to get notified about the giveaway! For now you can enjoy our latest campaign here:

If you need a model for similiar work, the quarantine offer still stands, and you can book me for just 99 Euro, with 25 Euro being donated to help the homeless! Book me here.

Screenshot 7

modeling, campaign, cocoro intim, cocoro, my work, latest work, curvy model, curvy

  • celia
  • Blog

Brad Yates Interview - How to do EFT Tapping

Hi guys! And welcome back to the blog!

Today I have a very special guest. I would like to introduce what feels like, an old friend, Brad Yates. Brad Yates is a YouTuber, famous for spreading awareness on EFT tapping, otherwise known as Emotional Freedom Technique.

Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT - is a technique where you tap gently along the meridian points of the body, to help clear out any stuck or stagnent energies. It is not yet known exactly how it works, but many people know it does work, and in a similar way as acupuncture. I have used this method for years myself and can attest to the fact that it works for me. 

If you are open to the idea of clearing your emotional state through tapping, have a look at the interview below!

If you want to know more about Brad and EFT, please have a look at all of the resources below! I want to disclose that I am an affiliate, but the price is the exact same as if you buy the product without the affiliate link. If you wish to support my work, I really appreciate it!
The Wizard's Wish:
Tapping cartoon for kids:
Freedom at your fingertips:
The Tapping Solution Documentary:
Tapping for Confidence:
Tapping for Money:
Tapping for Self Love:
Tapping for Physical Appearance:
Tapping for Success:
Tapping for Business:

brad yates, tapping, eft, eft tapping, emotional freedom technique, self help, self love, happiness, well being

  • celia
  • Blog

Wal Thornhill and the Electric Universe

Hi everyone! And welcome back to the blog

I have had the immense honor of interviewing a person, whom to me is one of the greatest souls alive. 

I interviewed Wallace Thornhill, an Australian physicist, on the subject of the Electric Universe, a theory which completely revolutionizes our understanding of how the world and Universe works, and offers us a very plausable explination of our origins and why we lost connection with it. Could this theory be proving both Einstein and Newton wrong? 

Before you give up on a claim like that, have a look at the interview to learn more about what the theory says, and get a unique insight in to how science and spirituality is a lot more connected than we may think...

If you like this interview and want to learn more, you can find a lot more informaiton about Wal and The Electric Universe here
The electric Universe book:
Thunderbolts of the God's book:
Immanuel Velikovsky World's in collision:
Immanuel Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval:
The Electric Universe Patreon:
The article recommended by Wal:
The Electric Universe YouTube:

wal thornhill, wallace thornhill, electric universe, the electric universe, thunderbolts, thunderbolts project, cosmology, science, science and cosmology, physics


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